What was the career plan you learned while growing up?
For me, it was:
Good education → Get a stable job → Work hard → Earn & save money → Stay at one company until you retire at 65.
But things have changed.
Good education no longer means you’ll get a job
Getting a stable job is no longer tangible
Working hard is not going to get you a promotion
Retirement doesn’t have to be at 65
So if the old way no longer works, what do you do?
There is no one path fits all. The best way is to create your own career path.
Here’s what I did: By knowing what I want and knowing who I am.
Do you want to have freedom 45 instead of 65? Are you willing to hustle during the rest of your working years? And what will you do after you retire at 45? Are you going to be bored?
Do you really want to be a paper pusher because that’s what you’re good at and love to do? Or are you doing it because it seems like a secure path?
Is security more important than fulfillment because you can find fulfillment from other parts of your life? Or is your soul slowly dying because you’re not fulfilled but scared to leave your security blanket?
How do you know the path you’re creating will work?
You don’t.
Just like the old path that you learned, you don’t know if it will work. But you get to pave your own path. Just like the choose your own adventure books/games. You get to choose what you want to do and how you want to proceed to your next adventure.
Everything is up to you but if you don’t plan for it, you’re just following someone else’s plan. A plan that doesn’t work for you.
Let’s figure out your plan. Schedule a call with me and let’s figure out your career path together.