Here’s what I did next after I wrote down my 1 year vision…

On top of not having a vision of what I want my life to look like in a year, I also wasn’t super clear on my life priorities. (If you missed my last post, check out the first step to planning your career path). I had a general idea but I didn’t have a clear picture of what were most important to me. And I thought this general idea was enough. I knew what my top 3 priorities were and thought that was good enough.

I didn’t write it down.

Ladies and gents, I’m telling you, writing things down is by far the most effective way for you to see your pattern. It doesn’t matter how clear you have it in your head, when you’re under stress, your head gets cloudy and you won’t be able to see things as clearly as you would on an optimal day.



A lot of times when we feel stuck, all we can think about is the one thing that is making us feel stuck.

We become hyper focused and forget what are truly important to us. This leads to neglecting the higher priorities that might need your attention. The more the higher priorities are not being met, the harder it is to fulfill - anything.

Ranking your priorities will help you see the importance of the one thing that is making you feel stuck, and not spend all your energy on that one thing.

It will help you see it in a bigger picture and in a different perspective.

When your life is out of alignment, you are going to feel the effects in other parts of your life because you’re human!

What I want you to do is list out what are the most important to you, and make sure that top 3 are rock solid. On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘I am not even close to where I want to be.’ and 10 is ‘I’m completely fulfilled!’, how would you rank each of your top 3?

If they are not 8 or above, why are they not? It could be as simple as your priorities have shifted and they aren't as important to you as they used to be. And that’s when you redo your priority list. However, if that is not the case, then spend some time to work it back up to an eight or above.

So when should you re-evaluate these?

Every 6 months to a year (I usually do it on or around my birthday) and whenever you feel stuck at something, do a quick check in to see if any of these are affecting you.

Here are some examples of the parts of your life you might use as the priorities:

  • Financial stability

  • Friends

  • Quality Family Time

  • Career Growth

  • Health

  • Spirituality

  • Personal Growth

  • Healthy Relationship With Partner

  • Self Care

  • Career Fulfillment

Not sure how to prioritize them? I got you!

Go to my Free Priority Assessment page and answer the questions (it takes about 10 minutes to complete). I will send you your results. There are no right or wrong answers. Just go with your gut.


Want me to help you analyze your priority list? Set up a Clarity Session with me here.

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About Fiona

I help professional women navigate through their career transition by helping them find their own success formula and find the right job.

I was once unsure of my career path for a very long time. I was frustrated, full of fear & self-doubt and felt lonely during the whole job search process.  I help my clients holistically so they can accelerate the process without being held back by the same frustrations, fears & self-doubts.

My clients are able to focus on the process and find their dream job - some with just one session.

Learn how I can support you with your career journey.