Embracing Change: Lessons from a Friend's Bold Journey!

I hope you had a fantastic holiday! Wishing a fabulous 2024!


I want to start this new year with a post inspired by my friend Abbie. Abbie is a friend from high school who inspires me. Today, I want to talk to you about her most recent adventure.


Back in September, I got a text from Abbie informing me her and her husband will be embarking on a two year journey in Nepal. Ever since they were young adults, they both wanted to work abroad.  But due to many factors, they were not able to, until now.


My immediate thought was ‘Wow, that is so brave of them. Going off to a different country without knowing their language would be so hard!’. Then I started thinking about my own journey. How I could have benefited from bravery and not be ‘safe’.


I turned down a job offer I really wanted because I was scared. I made all the excuses in the world, but deep down, I knew I was just scared of the drastic change.  I ask myself now, what would have happened if I took a leap of faith? I will never know. Hindsight, I would have done things much differently. So now I ask myself, why wait until hindsight because that means it is too late as the opportunity had passed. Why not be brave and do the very thing that I’m scared of?


A few years after I turned down the job that scared me, I was miserable in my job and wished things were different. Yet I continued to choose the comfort of predictability.  How could I expect a different outcome when I didn’t change? This went on for years. And it wasn’t until I let go of that fear, then I was able to see all the opportunities and possibilities.  


This is just one example of missed opportunities because I wanted to be ‘safe’. And very often, I hear my clients say ‘What if it doesn’t work out?’ or ‘What if the grass isn’t greener on the other side?’. Those are the exact questions I asked too!  And these are the 3 questions I ask my clients now (included myself when I feel scared of doing something new)


  1. What if it DOES work out in your favour?

  2. What would that look like?

  3. Would you regret not experiencing the success if things DO work out in your favour?


These questions provide such clarity with what you’re contemplating on doing.

So if you’re scared of moving to a different field/job/company or if you’re scared of starting something new, give these questions a try.

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About Fiona

I help professionals discover and connect their true purpose with their career by uncovering their internal blockage & success formula. 

I was once unsure of my career path for a very long time. I was frustrated, full of fear & self-doubt and felt alone during the whole process.  I help my clients holistically so they can accelerate the process without being held back by the same frustrations, fears & self-doubts.

My clients are able to focus on the process and find their dream job - some with just one session.

Learn how I can support you with your career journey.